Thursday, 1 September 2011

Journal Summer Update

Welcome back to everyone! Hope you had a great summer!

Over the summer I've been busy working at the studio part time, and helping my dad start up his own company, which has been very rewarding.

At the studios I have been doing a bit of everything really. I did a few twelve hour shifts on Reception for Security and the Data Centre on the weekends. I also covered the permanent Studio Runner, while she was on holiday.  Runner duties at the studio included making sure everyone in the office was looked after, teas and coffees etc, visiting the editors in the suites regularly to make sure they were well fed and watered, popping into the Meridian News Room to clean out old newspapers, covering reception, helping out in the kitchen, doing some laundry, helping out in the actual studios and generally making sure everything was clean and tidy. It was lovely to get to know all the staff, everyone is really friendly, and would welcome the chance greatly to work for them again.

My Dad's company involved setting up a website, dealing with customers, selling, accounts and management. Although not directly media related, my managerial and communication skills have greatly improved, as well as becoming more adaptable and organised. Which I hope will show in our Direction unit!

I also have to make some apologies, I did not realise my Sound Project did not upload at the end of last term so here it is!! ( As well as the first film I did at UCA, and one I shot on our first day back)

Sound, performance and image project. Combining still images with a complex 

sound mix, to tell the story of David Wood. By Lauren Howard

The first EVER film I directed at University for the Creative Arts. I shot this on my second day on the course, in one afternoon and edited in camera. It is a short, comical piece, that I used to test out the cameras and get into the swing of things!

This was a film I shot with Dan, on our first day back after the holidays. We shot and edited in about three hours. It was just to get us back into the swing of things. Myself and Dan, decided to use the task as a way of practising our way of telling a pretty boring scene in an interesting way using a variety of shots. It is by no means a completed story or film, just a "tester" if you like. It's rough essence is of a boy working in a mundane job, realising summer is over.

I have also set up my own You Tube Channel. It includes ALL of my work, from school, university and personal projects, it would be great if you could take a look and leave some feedback! Lauren Howard's Yout Tube Channel

I hope everyone enjoys their last term in the first year!! I am looking forward to seeing everyones work over the next few months!

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