I am very excited about this unit. Mainly because I really want to see, how well I can transform someone else's story in to something of my own, which I have never attempted before. In previous work, I have always had to come up with and write the story before even thinking about shooting, which with limited time, can mean your idea and script, never quite gets translated into your final piece as well as you have hoped.

So onto my ideas!!
I have chosen Sherlock, for my TV Drama. It was commissioned by the BBC, directed by Paul McGuigan, starred Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock, and the very talented Martin Freeman, as Watson. Quite simply, it is bloody brilliant!

This version of Sherlock is quirky, sharp, glossy, humorous, intelligent and modern. And I would love the opportunity to work on it, so using it for my project is the next best thing!
The scene I have decided to use, is without doubt my favorite, and I think it sums up the series perfectly. It is the first time Sherlock meets Watson, in modern day London, and the screenplay is just amazing!
In the Paul McGuigan version, this scene takes place in a laboratory, where Sherlock is working freelance. Watson has just been sent home from Afgantistan, injured, and is looking for a place to rent. A mutual friend Mike introduces the pair, as Sherlock is also currently looking for a flat.
I have decided to change the location entirely. Still keeping the story in present day, and not editing the script, I have come up with the idea that Sherlock is a fantastic poker player. His astounding practice of deduction, has come from the poker table, with an incrediable art for reading people. I will then set this scene at a Poker game, in a smokey, underground club room.
So what next? Here are the next pieces of the puzzle I need to find!
Location : Where can I film, that resembles an underground poker room/ private drawing room/ bar etc, that will allow my actors to smoke, in order to help with the creation of atmosphere?
Actors: I think I have chosen most of the people I would like to play the roles, but I still want to do a few screen tests and script readings.
Crew: I really would like at least two crew members to be on my shoot.. One to help wth lighting and holding the reflecter. The second to possible film. As I said before, I really liked the freedom of not having to film a scene, whilst directing. So if anyone is interested let me know!
Sequences: At the moment I am just planning out what I want to shoot. I have the script and I know roughly how I want it to look, so I am hoping to story board soon.
Tone/Style: The Paul Mcguigan version is very sharp and glossy. I love the idea of Sherlock being in the modern day, but I think my personal opinion is to keep some of the grittiness and charm of the original stories and films. Therefore I am going to make my scene very atmospheric, with plenty of smoke and under-lighting. I also want to make the film quite grainy, to make it more film like, than a glossy television production, as I although this drama is commissioned for TV, I think TV sometimes lacks the seriousness of film, simply because of the OVER use of HD.
Shots: I haven't decided all the shots I want to use, but I know I want plenty of ECU, of eyes darting around the table. I also would like Close ups of the game being played, chips being flown, cards being dealt and whiskey being drunk. I would also like to have a tracking shot that circles the whole of the table, this may be a little ambitious, but I am going to have a stab at it!
Characters: There are four characters in this scene, Sherlock, Molly, Mike and Watson, and I want to make them all very unique, so that in the short three minutes, you are able to get a great sense of exactly who these people are.
Costume/Makeup - I want the characters to still look very modern, but I would like Sherlock to look very daper and proper, I believe he would take great pride in his appearance, with slick hair.
Well that's my ideas so far, a lot to be getting on with. I'll keep you posted on any updates!
Here's a little clip to wet your taste buds
fantastic entry! make sure your script is detailed and does the job of being your blueprint. i'll read as soon as you have it. really great stuff!