continuing into the 21st century. Mass hysteria due to their criminal stereotype, has lead to a form of segregation between us and them, from banning their style of clothing from large shopping centre’s to humiliating references in today’s popular culture, i.e. Vicky Pollard. The labeling of the majority of Britain’s underclass as CHAVs, has become almost a form of social racism and acceptable snobbery. I want to show how these attitudes widens the class divide, in the 21st century, and how we have allowed it, focusing on the story of PHIL COLE. He has been labeled a CHAV, from a very young age, due to the clothes he wears and the music he listens to. Shop owners, nightclub bouncers and restaurants, simply because of the way he looks, refuse him entry. I will tell the story from his point of view, looking at the friends he hangs around with, what they get up to, their style and tastes, as well as the family he was raised in and societies perception of him. I will also use a presenter to help lead the investigation. The presenter will be quirky and go on a journey of self-discovery, where his ideas will be challenged. Think Louis Theroux, meets MY BIG FAT CHAV ESTATE.

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