Thursday, 9 May 2013

MAN ALIVE - Writing, Writing, Writing and MORE writing!

Crunch Time 

For the past two weeks I have been writing all the content for the book which has been demanding but enjoyable! 

We are still including the elements we pitched to do, but have decided to place the majority of them in the book to give the feel of a complete pre-production package (Minus shooting schedules and equipment). So what we are basically handing in is everything the director (Which I would of course love to be) needs in order to starting working out a shooting script and schedule etc.

All the elements I have been busy writing:

  1. Casting Choices - Research into actors suited for American TV, including their agent details and previous work
  2. Character information regarding their story-lines
  3. Introduction / One Sentence Pitch of the series
  4. Overview of the series
  5. Full Breakdown of Episode One
  6. Mini Episode breakdowns for the remaining ten episodes (The sort of blurb you would see in a magazine or interactive TV guide)
  7. Description of the Coldmarsh Prison and the Prison it's based on.
  8. Greater actor information of the top three billed cast members.
  9. In depth description of the LA PD based in Man Alive as well as The Network.
  10. Description of the Apps I helped to create with Lauren.
  11. The taglines
  12. AMC channel information, background, style and history etc
I will now be focussing the final draft of the script and main character profiles

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