Yesterday I printed the sixth and final draft of my screenplay and I felt very proud! I am really happy with it, and sometimes after reading it and all the other information I wonder how some of these things come out of my head, but it just does! Although Man Alive is set in an unspecified future, it is not a Science Fiction piece. The situation of a media organisation owning the prisons and creating a big brother style television programme is to highlight what is already clearly happening in society, the futuristic technology is ironic, it isn't too far in the future with flying cars and spaceships etc, because at the heart this is REAL. This is happening, we are only a few steps behind and most importantly it's a human satirical story, the characters in MAN ALIVE can be seen in every country, government and city, they could be anyone!
To put the final script together, I had it printed, then we designed a fornt cover which we printed on semigloss paper, and used a black card back cover. I think it looks professional and is influenced by the look of the script in the film ARGO.
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