Tuesday, 30 April 2013

MAN ALIVE - Storyboarding


So far I have really enjoyed the unit and the freedom of creating a huge project without worrying about budget. As the writer and producer I have found it at times difficult not being involved with many visual aspects of the production. I had a chat with Lauren W and we discussed that I should help with the shot list for the storyboard to see my work visualised. This has been a fun experience, as we sat down together and re-read my teaser part of the script. I became very passionate about how I wanted to show these scenes unfolding and it was fun knowing my shots could include warehouses, LA police cars, Hollywood etc, which would not normally be used in a student project. We worked out the storyboard shot my shot and made a list for Lauren to work on drawing. The finished piece was actually quite emotional to watch because I was finally seeing my ideas that I have spent months writing, and it looked exactly how I had imagined thanks to our team work and Lauren's artistic skills. I don't want to ruin the surprise by uploading it just yet, but here are a few stills to give you a taste:

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