Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Major Project - Finding Talent

Finding Talent.................

One of my main roles during Pre Production, has been to find a Male and a Female lead.

I was looking for:

  • Slim Built - This would be realistic for a drug user
  • 20-35 - I had written the script with the idea of Poppy being 25, and The Man being 27. I felt that  a realistic age range for the actors would be between 20-35. I also felt that it was important anything below 20 years of age should be steered away from, especially no one under the age of 18 due to the content of the script.
  • Training - I am looking for someone with background in dance and physical theatre, as this piece is mainly told through the actor's bodies, and their ability to show deep emotions silently. I also felt after researching method acting, that it would be ideal if they were familiar with these techniques. 
  • Locality - because of the auditions, and 5 - 7 days worth of filming, I feel it is important the actors live with in a manageable distance, especially as there is no pay. I felt Kent and London were achievable, although we do have someone who is very keen to audition living in South Hampton. 

Problems that have arisen......

  1.  Finding talent has taken a considerable amount of time. I did account for this, but I feel more pressured for time and feel this will effect our final choices.
  2.  After already having a day of auditions, I am currently in contact with eleven applicants, and it is becoming a challenge. It's simply logistical, trying to organise time slots, dates, scripts, auditions etc, it is hard to keep track of who has confirmed what....... I don't want to trip up, but I'm getting there. 
  3. After our auditions on Friday 5th, it is safe to say we have found the most suitable candidate for the role of The Man. However we have somewhat been lacking in female interest. I did have a few apply in time for the auditions last week, but some weren't right, some after initial interest never replied once an audition was offered, and the only girl who confirmed did not turn up..... So we have decided to hold another round of auditions this Friday, five more girls have applied, but only one so far has confirmed (The girl who didn't make it the following Friday) But I am hopeful, so watch this space....
  4. Contacting agencies to find talent. Since we began the search I have sent emails to multiple local outposts, several schools, five dance and theatre academies and two local art studios, as well as posters in each place, and as yet have had no response. This has been quite down heartening, and something  I should follow up more, but there is only so many emails you can send without sounding demanding and desperate........ I have also posted to four online actor sites, one of which, Star Now, has provided the most response, and have supplied 99% of the interest. The other is Casting Call Pro, who have provided me with a girl called Kathryn. As of yet it has been hard to arrange an audition with her (she seems to have lots already booked in london), BUT SHE IS PERFECT, well on looks alone, just who I could see playing Poppy, so I hope that works out in the next week of so!
Answers to why this has been a VERY difficult task:

  1.  Maybe our expectations are too high, I have desperately wanted a really strong performer, that isn't a friend or relative, as I really feel this piece deserves it. BUT it is my first ever script that I have tried to audition for, my name isn't out there yet, so maybe it's not as an appealing project for them as I had hoped.
  2. There is zero budget for this, and unfortunately I'm really not in the position to pay actors, not even expenses (It's a five - seven day shoot, trains from London are £25 a day......) It is hard to find what we are looking for without paying for it, or helping out in some way.
  3. Times..... Lauren W as the cinematographer has chosen to shoot in the Studio at the Campus, which I fully support. But it means we are restricted to Mon-Fri 9 -5, and actors that aren't being paid for there art just yet, have to make money elsewhere, this is normally in the form of a JOB.... Those that are willing to take time off work, it's hard to persuade them to do so for free.
  4. The script is quite demanding, edgy and brave with it's subject matter, especially with the possibility of semi nudity with unknown actors..... Anyway maybe I'm over thinking this all too much...... Onwards and Upwards!

1 comment:

  1. These are all unavoidable challenges which you are coping brilliantly with - organisational concerns take up more of your time than anything creative ! Well done for all your efforts - it will work out because it has to. Good work
