Thursday, 29 March 2012

AS LIve - Directors Check List

This is a list of everything I know/ need to know/ want to make the show work well and look visually AMAZING on the day. (of course this will swap and change as we go)

Source music, lyrics and good recording of songs, to start breaking down chords changes/ bars, and prepare shot list and camera script.

Floor Plans:
I need to get a floor plan of the studios and place the dimensions of the set on it. I will need to talk to the CAFT team and Lauren W to get the measurements 


Emma has suggested that we will need a rigger/electraician ( That was Danny last year) and a consultant op to programme the lights and operate them on the day.
She said we shouldn't need to hire things in as long as it isn't over complicated, and I don't think lights thats "move" are available.

What We Know We Need So Far:
Smoke Machine ( From Fergus at Campus)
Floor Up Lights - To reflect onto transparent curtains, in Turquoise and Purple
ALL of our 9 x Studio lights ( Kits in Base Room) To create "Industrail/Loft" atmosphere.
CAFT are making "fairy light" style pieces to create more style and effect

1 x Radio Mic and Ear Piece for presenter.
2 x Mic to interview bands with, one to be passed round, one to be fixed on coffee table.
3 x Mics on Audience (Possibly one on a boom?) 
Talk Backs: 
5 x Camera ops
2 x Floor manager and Assistant. Fran is to use her talk back to communicate between gallery and ALL runners. 
1 x  Assistant Producer

Equipment Needed For Each Band:

Charlie Rivers Band:
3 x DI boxes for 2 acoustic guitars and 1 bass
3 x Vocal Mics
1 x Mic for Cajan and Percussion.


List of Cameras and their equipment:

Camera 1 - Lock of high/ Wide Angle Lense Attached / Master/ Safety Shot
Camera 2 - Fixed Camera - Tripod attached to Wheeled Base ( Available from studio)
Camera 3 - Fixed Camera - Tripod attached to Wheeled Base ( Available from studio)
Camera 4 - Camera on Track/ Dolly ( Pick up from Campus) -Wide Angles Lense Attached - In front of the Main Stage
Camera 5 - Master Handheld to follow presenter, pick ups from presenter/ in audience/ track hand held shots of acoustic stage.
Camera 6 - Handheld - To get amongst the action, follow the band from behind, nice shots of audience, quick pans

I also want EVERY camera to have a cable basher/ assistant to always make sure settings are correct, white balence, frame rate, SD (We don't have ability to shoot HD), and from . This is EXTREMELY important for the hand held cameras and dolly camera. The ONLY camera to stay in the same postition for the whole show is the one locked off on the rig, so it is important we rehearse positions over and over again. 

Questions I need to ask/ get done:
1. Emma would like a list of the weights of ALL the things we would like to hang from the rigging
2. Emma has also requested floor plans and lighting plans.
3. Paul our sound guy wants to know if we are recording on multi track for sound, to help us edit, but not sure if this is possible due to memory card being used?
4. Paul also has suggested that we need him to mix the record in the gallery, but someone to mix the sound and the PA for in the studio.
5. Contact Fergus about smoke machine
6. Get dolly booked for rehersral and record from campus
7. Get list of ALL sound equipment needed from bands
8. Find out from Emma/ Alistar 
9. List of lighting changes 


For List For Budget (To be Worked on):
1. Floor Lighting
2. Staging for The Drummer / Interview area.


My Contacts

Standing on Giants Simon: 07792445162
The Soundcasters Tom: 07990 872303
Charlie Rivers, Steve (guitarist) 07838933647

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