Friday, 24 February 2012

As Live- Now it begins!

I'm really happy with the decision by the panel, I thought all the ideas were great, but my experience has always been with music, and have always wanted to work on a music show, mainly for all the beautiful shots you can achieve. My heart really is set on the Directors role, because I would love to make this visually work. But Helen has expressed that Assistant Producer would also be a great role for me, and isn't just the pencil pusher as I had first thought. AP's co write the script, and are with the Producer all the way through, helping making decisions and organising things, and they both translate their ideas to the Director.  I do love writing and I feel I could really help and support Lauren with her role, we have already organised to see some bands together which is fantastic! However my heart really wants to be the Director, because I feel so confident with editing,  which is key to knowing when to cut between cameras, and because of my love of music, I know I could feel the music and visually create something great. If thats isn't to be, I now understand how very important the AP is and would be very happy to work so closely with Lauren.

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