Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Black Mirror

Have you heard what everyone has been talking about this week? 

Black Mirror is a new three part series by the Journalist and Satirical writer Charlie Brooker. I watched it for the first time last night, and I have to say it was possibly the most disturbing thing I have ever seen! 
The first episode, A National Anthem, is basically a black satirical comedy, commenting on Royalists, politicians and the effect the internet has had on our lives. It really explores the problems with Youtube, text messaging, Facebook and Twitter, as well as an in depth look at how newsrooms work. 
However, it was all told with an utterly absurd storyline, that had your laughing, feeling sick, worried, disturbed and completely  gripped! 
I really don't want to ruin it for anyone, but I'm sure you've heard the main points anyway, so I'll go over them! 
It begins with the Princess being kidnapped, (Representing Kate Middleton) and the Prime Minster ( You guessed it, a lot like David Cameron) watching the ransom video. It details that in order for the Princess to be released, the Prime Minster must preform a sexual act on an animal on live televison. Yes I know this sounds horriable and silly, but the drama is pretty intense, especially when you realise the video has been posted on Youtube, and the WHOLE world knows, so what will the people expect the Prime Minister to do? 
I do recommend watching it, because first of all I don't know how they got away with putting it on at 9pm on a Sunday evening, and secondly because it is so bold and brave, you've got to kind of admire it! But be warned it's not for the faint hearted.

The next episode is all about reality TV, it looks like a cross between The X Factor and The Hunger Games, so remember to watch that one too!!

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