Monday, 14 November 2011

Comission - The Shoot!

Friday 11/11/11
Our second day of shooting, went well without any hitches.
Jo acted as our "Chav" in our Public information broadcast, and I must say, seeing the transformation was very impressive. I'm not going to show too much, as I think you should all wait to see the completed film! We shot this part of our doc in a children's play ground in Tovil, a notorious council estate in Maidstone. We did inform the council, but heard nothing back, so we took a chance and it paid off!

In the afternoon, I went to film a young mum I had known from my secondary school. Her name is Hattie Mullville, she also lives on the Tovil estate, and has a one year old son called Bronson. There has been problems in the past with the child's father, who was serving a term in prison whilst Hattie was pregnant, and hasn't had contact since. As he does not know where Bronson is, I thought it might be difficult to get permission to film him, but Hattie agreed as long as her address was not given away.

Hattie is a "college drop out" and spent most of the noughties drinking cider and hanging around on street corners and parks. Although many people have labelled her a Chav, especially since falling pregnant with Bronson, she does not want to be called one. She is now a full time mum, and is a very loving mother to her son Bronson. She was able to talk about Chav culture, how people judge her, living on a council estate and how the media represent youths today.

Whilst filming a sequence from her balcony, I also managed to get footage of a local traveller girl, riding a horse, with no saddle, down the centre of the road. I thought this would be great to use in our documentary.

Monday 14/1//2011
Today we filmed a lovely Dr of criminology and the University of Kent, but I'll let Jo fill you in on the details of that one!!